Today i went to see one of my high school friend, Thasia. She is having cancer. I could barely recognize her when she appear infront of me. My tears started rolling in my eyes, I quickly turn my back to her and try to control. It was hard for me.. Very hard...
My heart seriously break into pieces.
She is so skinny, I could see her bone. She was pretty and hot last time, and now... she look totally different! My heart shattered, so restless that I couldn't even describe how it felt like. Perhaps this was my first time facing things like this, thats why i couldnt take it.
Friends organize a "farewell" for her. Estimated that she wont be living any longer.
We dance together before during high school time. She heard the song" hips dont lie-shakira" from radio, she turn to me and ask, hey.. do you remember this song? We dance together before.
In a way, im glad that she still remember but.. seriously.. my heart bleeding already.
I felt relief when I knew that she is such optimistic about her sickness.
This is the first time I ever hope there's miracle.